Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
Q: How can I apply for a job at the Clerk's Office?
A: CLICK HERE for application and information about opportunities.
Q: When is the Clerk's Office open, and on which days?
A: We are open Monday - Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. We do not close for lunch. See the state Clerk of Court Calendar for holiday schedule.
Q: Where is parking, when I go to the Clerk's Office?
A: The Clerk's Office is located at 1000 Ryan Street in Lake Charles Louisiana in the Calcasieu Parish Court House. It is on the corner of Ryan Street and Kirby in downtown Lake Charles. Parking is available in two parking lots on Pithon Street (marked "Police Jury Parking") which runs behind the Court House and at the Lake Charles Civic Center. CLICK HERE to view a map of the area.
Q: Where is the Clerk's Office?
A: The Clerk's Office is located at 1000 Ryan Street in Lake Charles Louisiana in the Calcasieu Parish Court House. CLICK HERE to view a map of the area.
Q: How do I get a copy of my marriage license?
A: Copies of Marriage Licenses are available in our Criminal Records Department.
Civil Records
Q: How can I find out the outcome of my civil case?
A: Contact our Civil Records Department for the status of your case.
Q: How can I get a copy of my civil papers?
A: Contact our Civil Records Department for copies of your civil records.
Q: How much do I owe in fees on my civil case?
A: Contact our Cost Department concerning fees on your civil case.
Q: How much does it cost to file something?
A: Visit the "Fees & Cost" page to review the fees for all departments.
Q: What do I do if I get served with papers?
A: You may contact our Cost Department with questions on your civil case. We do not have attorney's on staff and cannot offer legal advice. You are encouraged to contact an attorney if you are served with papers.
Court Records
Q: Can I search the court records from home?
A: The ability to search online is provided by the Clerk of Court and managed by our IT Services Department staff. CLICK HERE for complete information.
Q: How do I get help with my search account?
A: Contact the IT Services Department for assistance. 337-437-3558 ext 185 it@calclerkofcourt.com
Criminal Records
Q: How can I find out the status of my criminal case?
A: Contact our Criminal Records Department for the status of your criminal case.
Q: How do I find out about the fees on my criminal case?
A: Contact our Criminal Records Department for a copy of the minutes from your criminal case. The minutes will contain information regarding the fees you were assessed in court. You may have been instructed to pay your costs to the DA's Office through your attorney. If you have a felony case you can contact your probation officer at Probation and Parole for further information. If you have a non-felony case your costs should be paid at the Tax Collector's Office.
Q: How can I find out what the last election results were?
A: Up to the minute election results are posted on the La Secretary of State's Website.
Q: I want to work with Elections, what can I do?
A: Contact our Elections Department for information regarding service.
Q: What precinct or district am I in?
A: See the Secretary of State Election's Division Voter Registration Information Page for the voter location database.
Q: When is qualifying?
A: See the Elections Schedule for all date information. Contact our Elections Department for information regarding qualifying.
Q: Where can I get a sample ballot?
A: The Calcasieu Clerk of Court posts sample ballots for Calcasieu Parish. Sample Ballots for other Parishes can be obtained from the Secretary of State site.
Q: Where do I vote?
A: See the Secretary of State Election's Division Voter Registration Information Page for the voter location database.
Q: I received a jury summons what do I need to do?
A: See the Jury Management section of our web site for complete instructions.
Mortgages, Taxes, and Land
Q: How can I get a copy of my Mortgage or Conveyance records?
A: Mortgage and Conveyance records can be obtained from the department located on the 1st floor of the Calcasieu Courthouse.
Q: How can I search records by address?
A: The Clerk has posted residential home sales in Calcasieu Parish since 2005 from the mortgages filed with our office and is updated every few days. This database may be accessed by clicking Residential Home Sales.
Louisiana Tax Commission has a statewide database that is more complete compiled from Louisiana Tax records. http://www.latax.state.la.us/Menu_ParishTaxRolls/TaxRolls.aspx
Both databases are accessible to the public free of charge.
Q: How do I obtain a mortgage cancellation?
A: Mortgage Cancellations are handled by our Mortgage & Conveyance Department. Bring your Authority to Cancel to the Mortgage & Conveyance Department for processing. See the section for fees associated with this service.
Q: How do I find out if the person I am suing got served by the Sheriff?
A: Contact the Sheriff's Department Civil Division for assistance. 337-491-3733.
Q: How do I get a Protective Order or Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)?
A: The Suit department has available the forms required for Protective Orders/Temporary Restraining Orders Pursuant to La R.S. 46:2131 and LA R.S. 46:2151. Suit department staff is available to assist individuals with filling out the forms but the office does not have an attorney and cannot provide legal advice.
The Calcasieu Parish Oasis Shelter is available to assist women who are victims of domestic violence with the filing of Protective Orders/Temporary Restraining Orders as well as provide other services to women in need. Citizens wishing to file a Protective Order or Temporary Restraining Order are encouraged to consult an attorney for legal advice.
Contact the Suit Department / Domestic Clerks for more information.
Q: I filed something but never got service from the Sheriff, what do I do?
A: Contact the Sheriff's Department Civil Division for assistance. 337-491-3733.
Q: The Sheriff tried to serve me but I wasn't home what do I do?
A: Contact the Sheriff's Department Civil Division for assistance - 337-491-3733.
Birth & Death Certificates / Vital Records
Q: How do I get a copy of my birth certificate?
A: The Calcasieu Parish Clerk of Court's office processes Birth Certificates and Cards at our West-Cal Annex / Sulphur Office. You can also contact the Calcasieu Parish Health Unit or you may obtain one by mail from the Office of Vital Records.